Wednesday, ‘Early night’ relaxation: 20:30 – 21:30


Email [email protected] Category Online Classes

An all levels class to help ease midweek mental and physical stresses and encourage a good night’s sleep. As well as yoga postures, there is a strong emphasis on breath work to lower the heart rate and encourage the body’s relaxation response. Most of the postures are practiced on the floor and are a mix of yin, restorative and stretches borrowed from other movement disciplines. Some are soft and supportive (restorative), some use timed holds and to release tension in the connective tissues (yin). Others are shorter, feel good stretches that release common areas of tension. Bring pillows, blankets and anything that is comfortable. No yoga kit necessary, pajamas and fluffy socks work well 🙂

Open level (including beginners with no major physical ailments)

Good for: Sleep, managing anxiety and stress, sporty people looking to stretch and people looking release common areas of physical tension due to lifestyle.